The Loves are..., otsuka ai, NEWS, GReeeeN, Big Bang, ikuta toma, SHINee, UVERworld, EXILE,
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Helen is uberly super in love wif everything japan. hopes that she can successfully finish architecture in nus for at least 4 yrs.
no matter what now, she wants to go Japan and live there happily forever.
Saturday, September 29, 200710:36 PMAiSuRu
didnt go out today~
tried the yjc maths paper and did some chem mcqs. yada so many qns i dunno how to do. terrible nee~ got to listen to some kinki kids' songs some are quite good, but juz some only =P AAA's new album not much of a surprise ya, mostly songs from their previous singles. there's this short movie included in the dvd, watched it but there's no sub so didnt really understand the story~ registered this toma forum juz now<3333 so many stuff! didnt know toma has a blog, but it can only be accessed by mobile phones to the web in japan. blahhhh. gonna continue mugging tmr! ja~ Friday, September 28, 200711:42 PMNeW sKiN featuring my IKUTA TOMA and YAMAPI!!<333> Thursday, September 27, 200710:01 PMYtD Sunday, September 23, 20079:36 PMTOMA three ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() say u agree that MY TOMA is the best:D Saturday, September 22, 20079:23 PMiM sO bRoKe bUt iM sO HaPpY! yay yay yay! i got my hanazakari no kimitachi e making photobook!!!!:DDDDD omg so happy la, didnt expect kino to hav it, but there it was, 2 of them somemore! and this afternoon it was out of stock at yesasia and i seriously though tat's no luck in me getting that. a reasonable price ya, grab one copy immediately, who knows the next person who walk past could be a hanakimi fan too haha. wahh! and so the black shop is FINALLY open. so many toma and yamapi's photos, but no ai-chan at all? anws there's so many pics for me to choose from i dont tink i hav enough money to buy ai-chan's photo also la haha. all male jap artiste stuff there! juz burnt a hole in my pocket=X but it's okay! in exchange for my happiness haha:) 3:57 PMTOMA two watched finished hanazakari no kimitachi e's last episode! it's so nice la ^^ but no more alrdy! no more it's all over AHHHHH sobs. no more very cute toma omg T_T how terrible. i wan to buy the making photobook!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, September 21, 200710:55 PMTOMA one some scenes from hanazakari no kimitachi e: IKUTA TOMA is MINE k!!!:DD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, September 19, 20075:12 PMwAlAo! ![]() got back chem paper 1 and 3, so lousy. then mrs ong even came over to ask me wat happen to me T__T so sad. pinning all my hopes on paper 2 to get B ya, i hope. econs and physics sure fail also, went thru the common mistakes during lectures and it was like all wrong ahhhh. so depressing! im gonna hav depression le la. after sch supposed to meet the ps buddies to go ps, but then dunno why ended up at pizza hut! okay la at least sth to be happy bout. the orlean sth sth baked rice was so cheesy! i love cheese yay. then ytd went town wif twin. we planned to go to tis black shop which supposing opens at 4.30pm, but we waited all the way from after sch to 8pm and hell it's not open yet. so pissed la cheat our feelings and time! so lousy lo the shopkeeper dunno who izzit, wan to open shop then open shop, liddat can earn money meh. saw this gigantic bottle which seems to be resting on top of the building haha. got tired walking so we sat outside the neoprint shop in heeren and i heard PEACH! got so excited k, turns out that one of the neoprint machine has this LCD screen which keeps playing some jap singers' pv. so cool la! me and twin juz stand right in front of it and watched all the pvs until they repeat. Saturday, September 15, 20077:19 PMPrOpOsAl watched finish the whole series of proposal daisakusen! so nice X) i love doramas la. thumbs up to power of infinity! Thursday, September 13, 20077:28 PMfAiL lE La had the WORST physics paper today. T______T feel like dying la. Tuesday, September 11, 20079:03 PMfEw MoRe To Go... another 5days! GAMBATTE to those who are slacking like me =p Thursday, September 6, 200711:39 AMYaY LaH on the bright side, i finally got my DEBIT CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) cant wait to pre-order ai otsuka's new album omg omg! 11:21 AMiNcOrRiGblE alright, so i realised tat im not very patient after all. my neighbour really got on my nerve u know. she grabbed my keys and threatened to throw it out of her room window so tat i cannot go home after tuition. of cos i know if she really does tat, i can juz tell her mother and see who gets the last laugh. and tat she wouldnt dare to throw it, she juz wanna see me cry and beg on my knees for her to let me off. but this is juz too much i really felt like shouting at her. then again, u know i wont do tat. so i juz stared at her and her silly little actions and wait for the chance to open the door so tat i can shout for the mother. but tat chance never came so now u see im sitting in front of my computer. i've decided tat im gonna call the mother tonight and tell her i will NOT be so free to teach(to be fooled by) the girl again. she such an incorrigible brat for her age la omg. now great i dont feel like studying alrdy. Tuesday, September 4, 20079:13 PMbEfOrE pReLiMs 2 i think im a patient gal:) everytime my neighbour does some silly stuff and pissed me off during tuition, i can juz ignore her and continue to talk bout the all-too-simple-but-why-she-still-dunno-how-to-do maths qns. haha. yet again, im not very patient when it comes to studying too ya =x maths is so irritating arghhh. especially hci's midyrs paper tsk. been healthy these few weeks! my bro and nette like to drag me off to jogging ya. one likes to go as early as possible, the other the later the afternoon the better. haha. ran 6km in 2 days! so proud of myself. learning perseverance. Saturday, September 1, 20079:09 PMcHuUu! ![]() so cute!:) |