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Helen is uberly super in love wif everything japan. hopes that she can successfully finish architecture in nus for at least 4 yrs.
no matter what now, she wants to go Japan and live there happily forever.
Sunday, April 30, 20067:54 PMmY bOttLe
OMG i almost lost my beloved orange nike water bottle today!!
*hugs it tightly* careless me left it at the amk bus interchange toilet. luckily no one took it. i was so worried tat the cleaner would tink it's some rubbish n throw it away! OMG OMG OMG. my bottle is obviously not a rubbish k! dont EVEN tink of throwing away! *bares teeth at cleaner* but at least it's back here wif me! after 1 hr 30 mins of to n fro of my bus trip... untouched n safe in the toilet! hahahaha im so glad to find it back! it will always b my beloved pretty bottle! Wednesday, April 26, 20063:25 PMaCCeSS free access rm is so crowded! ps pple + other pple = noisy pple waiting for interview now. wif annette-tte n liyue n joyce n szehui hoho. wonder how it will goes. hav to be interviewed for the exco positions in PS! i hope i get in though haha. anyway today was very sad. how bout i got scolded AGAIN. OMG. by the librarian cos she says "no water bottle allowed in the library". how many will u in a lifetime get reprimanded over food issues? im so sad lah. how come i always get them. then i hav to take my poor bottle n walk out of the library unreluctantly. UNFAIR. i tink food jinxs me lah. i cannot eat or drink again in the mrt station n outside the canteen alr arh, muz remind me k. then there was the snatch up for free IDOL tixs. hav to produce ezlink for registration! great lah. how bout i dont hav my wallet wif me? so i was told to go back n take my ezlink card then could i get the tixs. then i hav to walk away from the nexus reluctantly again. hmmph. who cares bout watching the IDOL. how bout i tink they hav no quality n low standards. i bet fong n teng can sing BETTER than them. who cares a damn for THESE pple. but im still going to watch it. nice joisay got tixs for me. im going to see how GooD they could get. Tuesday, April 25, 200610:31 PMaHHHH on second thoughts, mayb i shldnt hav done tat. speaking too fast tat the words doesnt go thru my brain first. im so stupid. at least the banner was worth the sacrifice. it better be. Sunday, April 23, 20068:42 PMNeW sKin new skin!! i made it myself loh wif a not up-to-standard expression 3 beta ver. haha so pro rite. wif credits from ai otsuka's website. she so pretty rite! i love her loh. im going to buy her latest single the very next time i go HMV. FRIENGER! Saturday, April 22, 20068:07 PMFamiLy dAy great. i knew it. the scorching sun will definitely bbq me haha. n now im sunburnt. WHY M I NOT SURPRISE. but our stall was quite gd though. the reverse bungee actually attracted quite a number of interested pple to come n play. WOW. haha though it didnt managed to pull a loooooong queue like wat the haunted hse did. n i got scolded AGAIN. tis time is tis A**** shop in the R****** mrt station. for EATING AGAIN LAH. i always kena scolded when i eat food de leh. in sch also loh cos the uncle dont wanna RATS to invade the classrooms. it's always ME. it's so unfair! tat salesgal at the counter also drinking bubble tea wat, how come she can i cannot? pple doesnt PREACHED wat they SAY huh. so go ahead n slap me, cos if u dont, i WILL. Friday, April 21, 200610:09 PMsNacKs i bought my kinder bueno n tamago boro today. ahhh it's so nice! i wan more i wan more!!!! Tuesday, April 18, 20068:02 PMsHoPPing SpRee i juz walk thru another door of hell today. glad tat i survived 6 rounds wif 500mlX2 bottles for PE today. juz went J8 wif yanlingling! bought a looooot of stuffs. very broke now loh, tink i shld eat less for the rest of tis wk haha. but i tink it was worth spending all tis money cos i really like wat i bought! yeah. esp my expensive NIKE water bottle. look at the shade of orange. it juz rocks! Sunday, April 16, 20066:21 PMi love rainy days yanlingling says tat it's very comfortable to sleep on a moving bus. i tink so too! especially on RAINY days, n u r listening to ur mp3s. omg i love tis kind of moments. . n it would b more than perfect if u hav a shoulder to lean on. Friday, April 14, 20069:46 PMnew skin new blogskin!! cos bel-bell says my previous one very ugly. *stares at her* still quite the same style yah, pink n black, but tis one has tis very nice quotes on the side. i hav to point out the fact tat i know wat song it is!! so cool lah. it's a very low-profile song, so i was really surprised to see the lyrics here on tis blog. SO i went to copy n paste part of the song's lyrics on the front pg ( is i write one k). NEVER BE REPLACED. =D Thursday, April 13, 20069:38 PMdOuFus pe was juz as bad as tues one. we had to run wif the 500mlX2 bottles for 4 rounds, then 2 without, in the drizzle. GREAT. my shoes n toes are soaked till it's like wrinkled lah. glad to see sherminmin back to visit us though. :D then doudous n nuofus went town tgt!! in much anticipation. i n yanlingling are going to heeren to walk around while the twin n the nuofus are going PS to watch tis HORRRRRRROR movie. so not suitable for me lah. later i watch i will hav nightmares for 2 mths de, cannot risk it haha. guess who we saw? patricia mok n geraldine!! whoo... cool man. both very chio lah. yanlingling pointed out patricia in her tube n bubble skirt while i spotted geraldine in her punk outfit n navy-patterned pants. ahhhhhh. *points to nuofus n twin* "who ask u all go PS?" left orchard at 8 punctually after buying doudous matching towels. i realised tat it had been so long since i last came orchard. n today we saw a lot of cute guys n gals! wow. wat a fruitful day after so many mths of isolation. but yanlingling says tat it's becos our standard was lowered due to seeing to much of our aj pple alr *laughs*, not cos of the influx in cool pple. nice one. n while i sit outside the yishun mrt waiting for my dad, i realised my AA spot attracted a lot of attention. if u hav been to yishun mrt, u would hav realised there's tis long extension tat leads to the bicycle parking area. not tat i was doing anything AA there, juz tat by sitting there alone it's actually very AA. n usually senior citizens n non-chinese sit there, so i tink my mere existence sort of makes a big difference. n i sat there for an entire 15 mins. imagine how many attentions i had drawed. damn tired. still hav to help bel-bell search for her stuff. haha i'll try my best to help u k! 6:22 AMhUrry i only got 5 mins to use the com, n i juz feel like listening to the wedding march. it's very sweet n melodious, everyone knows tis song. but i kinda tink the violin ver. not as nice as the trumpet one, arghhhh. the bad part is i couldnt find the trumpet ver. de. nvm. someday i would blow the whole song out myself. yeah. Monday, April 10, 200610:09 PMReaLLy u dont hav to do tat, no matter wat reason it is becos of. but i still accept u as wat u are, dont be sad. n im glad to hear tat u are concern. if u really are. thank u. Sunday, April 9, 20062:53 PMKaWaii ![]() so pretty rite. tis is rainie yang if u dont know. got tis screenshot from her website. i like all her songs lah, very nice. Saturday, April 8, 200610:30 PMennui i had a compulsion to juz off the com n go to sleep. but i know i cant! had to finish PI 1st draft by TONIGHT. irritating lah. very hard to come up wif ideas ye. but luckily i went for jap lesson today, n gained enlightenment from suee n hau yin bout how to do the PI. yea man thxs a lot gals! u 2 are my saviours. though im still strugglng wif it up to tis pit, but at least im moving forth not stuck at the step 0. alrite. n today wasnt a very smooth day. the first sign was at the yishun mrt station. i was seriously taken aback by wadeva unexpected happened. okay it wasnt a big thing but it's quite unusual! cos it was raining, then there was tis 2 stream of water POURING out of the drain along the top of the train. like buses like tat if u ever notice. so tis train, juz zooooomed into the station n the water from the drain juz splashed onto the platform like watering it or sth leaving a long trail of water. n on my legs too. =O u realise tat the train is travelling too fast? after it finally stopped, we were all ready to go in, yet the doors didnt budge. then the train started to move backwards. ..!!! it overshot ya, but not by half a metre or sth, it's actually 2 doors back!! oh man. can u believe it. i bet it's a noob driver. orh sorry my mistake, i mean a JOB ATTACHMENT driver. yea tat's the word. wat's wif the mrt services nowadays. no money to employ trained n pro drivers izzit. n i got sth to comment bout the ******* times interactive website. u MUZ sign up to view the news reports de. n by signing up, it means u hav to PAY. wat the... by the way, ennui is a dict word. it's not i made up de. Wednesday, April 5, 20069:06 PMi tiNk, i miSs went for PS n BAND again. it was quite OKAY for PS, since we only played some games n had a presentation by the sports (outdoor) team. the wacko was quite fun, cos we were all busy watching hinho standing in the circle looking blankly, not knowing the names of the J1s n dunno who to hit. haha. then the blow wind blow (da feng chui) game was fun too. very nerve-wrecking. hav to run around fighting for seats, damn scary. almost had heart attack, then my hands were so tired after tat, cos i keep on grabbing onto the chairs to calm myself down! haha. so i n theresa (i tink is spelled tis way...) juz hop from one seat to the one right beside it.. which is like cheating..haha... sheesh... n BAND was OKAY too. it turns out tat my trumpet was outside wif yanlingling n charmoon when i went to look for them after PS (thxs for rmbing to help me take out!! :) so i juz blow along wif them loh. then kind kind alford came over n taught me how to blow the trumpet! the correct way.. which i still couldnt comprehend eventually. need super duper lots of air to produce the high notes, which i, tis short breath mini lungs gal, find it extremely hard to follow suit. ARGHHH. so in the end i juz cont to blow do re mi fa. wif tis WHOLE CROWD of bballers, netballers, n some soccer guys trying to shoot into the netball net. a bit the not noisy over there. n damn dangerous too, balls juz keep on flying over us like bees, some of them even hit twin n yanlingling smack right on top of their heads! haha. luckily i never kena. in sweet revenge, i juz keep on blowing do re me fa on my trumpet... which u might hav tink as a small feat, but actually it could b quite irritating for them cos i cant really ARTICULATE the notes. haha oops. so they hav no choice but to listen to my off tune trumpet. really sorry!! but there's like no where else for me to go, n no where else for them to go. after today, i will be the laughing stock of the bballers n netballers le. IM THE IRRITATING OFF TUNE GAL!!! dont b surprise if u hear someone say so, it might be 99% referring to me. Monday, April 3, 20065:18 PMLeaVe iT
What Candy Conversation Heart Are You?
Sunday, April 2, 20069:49 PMcHeeYang yeah he won the male category + overall championship!!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH! not tat i support him or wat, juz tat i tink he sings really well n i had always like HC. n he looks really really DAMN CUTE when he sang LIAN AI DA REN wif sin huey! OMG. so kawaii. they got a lot of MO QI n HU DONG. hahaha. hope to see more of him in future! Saturday, April 1, 20067:44 PMand if i dont say sorry? even if im in the wrong tat doesnt give u the right to accuse me. mayb i shld juz say thank u to u for letting the matter rest. but i aint gonna do so cos u hav HURT me. n u hav made me depressed, anguish n embarrassment. which is so not gonna make me tink much great of u. so would u SHUT UP n leave me alone. u BIG IDIOT BLOOD-SUCKER MORON OF ******* MRT CONTROL STATION. |